(尤指有关广播或电视节目梗概的)情况简报,资料页 A fact sheet is a short, printed document with information about a particular subject, especially a summary of information that has been given on a radio or television programme.
The fact that the HTML document loads a cascading style sheet is irrelevant at this stage. 实际上,HTML文档装入级联样式表与此阶段无关。
Fact Sheet on Energy Diplomacy in 21st Century 21世纪的能源外交简报
A fact sheet later distributed by the Treasury broadened it to include "other assets, as deemed necessary to effectively stabilise financial markets." 稍后由财政部发布的情况说明书将范围扩大包括“其它任何被认为可以稳定金融市场的资产。”
This fact sheet provides important and practical information you can use to get the help you need to manage your pain. 这本手册为你提供了一些重要而实用的信息,你可以藉此获得处理疼痛问题所需的帮助。
This fact sheet is one in a series containing information to help you select foods that provide adequate daily amounts of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. 这个食谱提供了一系列信息,帮助你选择能够提供充足维生素,矿物质和纤维素的食品。
This updated fact sheet shows health-care waste contains potentially harmful microorganisms which can infect hospital patients, health-care workers and the general public. 这篇刚更新的情况报告显示医疗照护活动所产生的废物含有潜在的有害微生物,能造成医院住院患者、医疗机构工作人员和公共感染。
Write to this address for our fact sheet on national savings certificates. 关于办理国民储蓄存单的简章,请按本地址来函索取。
A fact sheet from the State Department touting the virtues of the Nonproliferation Treaty, including the text of the treaty and a summary of key provisions. 出自美国国务院的一张简表,说明禁止核武扩散的优点,包含了条约内容和重要条款的概要。
Ask for a nutrition fact sheet at the restaurant ( or find it online before you go) to help you make the best possible low-sodium choices. 要一份食物成分表(或者去之前自己在网上查询)以确保点菜时尽可能做到低盐。
This fact sheet will give you some information to enable you to make decisions regarding your use of herbs. 这一事实表会给你一些资料,使你作出的决定使用草药。
Read the following fact sheet and see what we can do to better protect our natural resources, improve our quality of life, and strengthen our economy. 浏览以下描述事实的文章,看看咱们能做什么以更好地保护天然资源,进步咱们的生活品质并坚固咱们的经济。
As recognized in a recent WHO fact sheet "Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity", EMF has not been shown to cause such symptoms. 世卫组织最近的一份题为“电磁辐射超敏反应”的实况报道承认,不能说明电磁场会引起这种症状。
This fact sheet gives basic information about the illness and what CDC has done to control SARS in the United States. 本资料册提供了关于该病的基本信息,并介绍了CDC组织在控制SARS在美国所致的努力。
Fact sheet: usa Pavilion carbon neutral commitment 简报:美国馆对碳中和的承诺
A fact sheet that explains what your rights are when dealing with a collection agency. 消费者债务系列。本文将说明消费者在与追债公司打交道时的权利。
Let's take turns to read our fact sheet. 让我们轮流宣读我们的资料单吧。
An illustrated fact sheet that describes what phone fraud is and how you can become a victim. 本文内容说明何谓电话诈骗以及个人如何成为受害者。
This fact sheet gives an overview of the health effects of the Chernobyl accident that can be established from high quality scientific studies. 本实况报道概述高质量科学研究确定的切尔诺贝利事故对健康的影响。
An illustrated fact sheet explaining how to control financial problems by budgeting and planning. 本文内容详述如何以预算及计划控制财务困难。
She also gave each of us a fact sheet about the amazing things in the world. 她还给我们每个人发了一张资料单,上面有一些世界上令人吃惊的事情。
This fact sheet reviews the scientific evidence on the health effects from continuous low-level human exposure to base stations and other local wireless networks. 本期实况报道回顾了关于人体少量持续接触基台及其它无线局域网络对健康影响的科学证据。
This is reflected in the fact that its balance sheet continues to swell, which may compromise the independence of the Federal Reserve and make it more difficult to contain inflation in the years to come. 这反映在美联储资产负债表持续膨胀的事实之中,可能危及美联储的独立性,使它在未来几年更难以遏制通胀。
An illustrated fact sheet that explains how to open a checking account. 本文内容详述如何开立支票户口。
An illustrated fact sheet that discusses the importance of managing debt so that it does not become a problem. 本文内容详细探讨处理债务的重要性以免日后成为一大麻烦。
A fact sheet that explains what credit history is, what a credit report is, how to get your credit report, how to establish good credit and where to complain if you have a problem. 本文说明何谓信用记录什麽是信用报告如何得到个人信用报告、如何建立良好信用以及在发生困难时向哪一个机构投诉。
The fact sheet also says there will be9 multiplayer maps. 事实表还表示,将有9个多人游戏地图。
What did you write on your fact sheet? 你的资料单上写了什么?
The fact sheet also said USAID has funded the training of32 medical volunteers in Tobruk through the World Health Organization to perform first aid and transport injured individuals. 这份简报还说,美国国际开发署通过世界卫生组织资助了在托布鲁克(Tobruk)培训32名医疗志愿者,从事急救和运送伤员的工作。
Hereunder is a fact sheet assembling the ends and bits concerning this organization into a rough reminder justifying its very existence. 以下是有关该组织点滴情况的陈述,希望籍此拼凑所得以表明其存在之理由。
Probe into ascription for signature rights on to know the fact consent sheet in special medical activities 特殊医疗活动知情同意书签字权的归属探讨